@extends('master/index') @section('content') {{ HTML::style('static/css/createcourse/easy-responsive-tabs.css') }} {{ HTML::style('static/css/createcourse/tab.css') }} {{ Form::open(array('files'=> true)) }} {{ Form::hidden('course_id',$course->course_id,array('id'=>'course_id')) }}

Getting Started

Create Your course

Prepare - Connect with Udemy and fellow instructors.

Join the Udemy Studio on Facebook, Udemy's online instructor community where you can get help and feedback on your course from hundreds of other instructors.

Take our How-To-Create-A-Course Course; we'll walk you through every step of creating your Udemy course.

Plan - Make creating your course a breeze.

Set your learning objective and determine your audience. What are you teaching? Who are you teaching?

Produce – Build the heart of your course.

Set the price of your course and complete your premium instructor application so we can pay you. Or skip this step to leave your course free.

Submitting your course for review

Prepare - Connect with Udemy and fellow instructors.

Join the Udemy Studio on Facebook, Udemy's online instructor community where you can get help and feedback on your course from hundreds of other instructors.

Take our How-To-Create-A-Course Course; we'll walk you through every step of creating your Udemy course.

Plan - Make creating your course a breeze.

Set your learning objective and determine your audience. What are you teaching? Who are you teaching?

Produce – Build the heart of your course.

Set the price of your course and complete your premium instructor application so we can pay you. Or skip this step to leave your course free.

After publishing your course

Prepare - Connect with Udemy and fellow instructors.

Join the Udemy Studio on Facebook, Udemy's online instructor community where you can get help and feedback on your course from hundreds of other instructors.

Take our How-To-Create-A-Course Course; we'll walk you through every step of creating your Udemy course.

Plan - Make creating your course a breeze.

Set your learning objective and determine your audience. What are you teaching? Who are you teaching?

Produce – Build the heart of your course.

Set the price of your course and complete your premium instructor application so we can pay you. Or skip this step to leave your course free.

Add and modify the basic elements of your course.
{{ Form::text('title',$course->course_title,array('class'=>'course_textbox','placeholder'=>'E.g. Learn Photoshop CS6','maxlength' => 60, 'onkeypress'=>'max_text($(this),60)')) }} {{60-strlen($course->course_title)}}
{{ Form::textarea('subtitle',$course->subtitle,array('class'=>'course_newsubtextbox','placeholder'=>'E.g. A-Z guide to creating amazing images and clips using the newest version of industry\'s preferred software.')) }}
Add and modify all the details about your course.
Course Summary:
{{ Form::textarea('description',$course->description,array('class'=>'ckeditor ck_mrg')) }}
Course Goal and Objectives:
    @php( $key_goal = explode('--txt--', $course->course_goal) ) @if($key_goal[0] != '') @php $i=1; @endphp @foreach ($key_goal as $key => $value)
  • {{$value}}
  • @php $i++; @endphp @endforeach @endif
Intended Audience:
    @php ( $key_goal = explode('--txt--', $course->int_audience) ) @if($key_goal[0] != '') @php $i=1; @endphp @foreach ($key_goal as $key => $value)
  • {{$value}}
  • @php $i++; @endphp @endforeach @endif
Course Requirements:
    @php( $key_goal = explode('--txt--', $course->course_req) ) @if($key_goal[0] != '') @php $i=1; @endphp @foreach ($key_goal as $key => $value)
  • {{$value}}
  • @php ($i++ ) @endforeach @endif
Instructional Level:
{{Form::radio('course_level', '1', ($course->course_level == 1) ? true : false, array('class'=>'')) }} Introductory {{Form::radio('course_level', '2', ($course->course_level == 2) ? true : false, array('class'=>'')) }} Intermediate {{Form::radio('course_level', '3', ($course->course_level == 3) ? true : false, array('class'=>'')) }} Advanced {{Form::radio('course_level', '4', ($course->course_level == 4) ? true : false, array('class'=>'')) }} All Levels (Comprehensive)
Add an image to your course.
@if($course->image == '') @else @endif
TIP: Your beautiful, clean, non-pixelated image should be at minumum 480x270. If you want it to look great an on iPad or tablet, make it 960x540. Before you get started, please check out {{ siteSettings('siteName') }}'s course images guidelines and resources here .

NOTE: Course images are an extremely important part of telling students you have a polished, high-quality course. We want your course image to look awesome! As such, {{ siteSettings('siteName') }} reserves the right to improve or create a custom course image for you. If we do, we'll be sure to notify you!
Promo Video
Add a promotional video to your course.
@if($course->video) @else
Your video content will be previewed here...
TIP:Your video to be uploaded must be mp4.If it should perfectly run with clarity on iPad or Tablet, it should be in mp4 format. Before you get started, please check out {{ siteSettings('siteName') }}'s course videos guidelines and resources here.

NOTE:Following the video uploading guidelines is mandatory, especially if you want presentation to exhibit your message, in the high-quality audio-visual, and in an inspiring way. We want your course video to look awesome! As such, {{ siteSettings('siteName') }} reserves the right to improve or create a custom course video for you. If we do, we'll be sure to notify you!
Set the level of privacy for your course.
{{Form::radio('privacy', '1', ($course->privacy != 2) ? true : false, array('class'=>'privacy_pub')) }}
Course is available for anyone to take on tutorial site.
    {{Form::radio('privacy', '2', ($course->privacy == 2) ? true : false, array('class'=>'privacy_inv ')) }} Invitation Only
TIP: A “Public” course is available for anyone to take on {{ siteSettings('siteName') }}. A “Private” course is only accessible by a direct URL. It will not show up on {{ siteSettings('siteName') }}'s search. This is great if you have a course you'd like to offer but only to a select group.
Set the price of your course.
Currently the course is for {{{$course->pricing == 0 ? 'Free' : '$'.$course->pricing}}}

Click here to change the pricing

Your course will be free and available

Create your course outline and add your course materials.

Unpublish Your Course

Your course is not published yet. In the future, you can unpublish your course here!

Remove Your Course

When you remove your course, there is no going back! Please think twice before removing it. Remove

Create your course outline and add your course materials.

    @if($course->curriculum == '')
  • Section1 : My First Section
  • Lecture1 : My First Lecture
  • @else @for ($j=0; $j < $curri_count; $j++) @if($curriculum->MainTitle[$j] == 'Section') @else @endif
  • @if($curriculum->MainTitle[$j] == 'Lecture' || $curriculum->MainTitle[$j] == 'Quiz' ) @endif {{$curriculum->MainTitle[$j]}} @if($curriculum->MainTitle[$j] == 'Section') {{$jval+1}} @endif @if($curriculum->MainTitle[$j] == 'Lecture') {{$kval+1}} @endif @if($curriculum->MainTitle[$j] == 'Quiz' ) {{$lval+1}} @endif : {{$curriculum->title[$j]}} @if($curriculum->MainTitle[$j] == 'Lecture')