@extends('layouts.frontendfullwidth') @section('title') | {!! $courseinfo->course_title !!} @endsection @section('content')

{!! $courseinfo->course_title !!}

{!! Lang::get('core.completed') !!} {!! $courselecturecompleted !!} {!! Lang::get('core.completed1') !!} {!! $courselecturetotal !!} {!! Lang::get('core.completed2') !!}
@if($course_completion) @else @endif
@php $showmeet = false; @endphp @if($courseinfo->type == 'online')
  • {!! $courseinfo->type !!}

  • @php $schedule = ''; $schedule = json_decode($courseinfo->meeting_schedule); @endphp @if($schedule->frequency == 'once') @php $mnow = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $mstart = strtotime($schedule->date); $mend = strtotime("+".$schedule->duration." minutes", strtotime($schedule->date)); if($mstart <= $mnow && $mnow <= $mend){ $showmeet = true; } @endphp {!! date("F jS, Y",strtotime($schedule->date)).' at '.date("H:i:s",strtotime($schedule->date)).' to '.date('H:i:s', strtotime("+".$schedule->duration." minutes", strtotime($schedule->date))) !!} @if($showmeet == false && $mstart > $mnow) @endif @elseif($schedule->frequency == 'daily') @php $mnow = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $mstart = strtotime($schedule->date_from.' '.$schedule->time); $mend = strtotime("+".$schedule->duration." minutes", strtotime($schedule->date_to.' '.$schedule->time)); if($mstart <= $mnow && $mnow <= $mend){ $showmeet = true; } @endphp {!! date("F jS, Y",strtotime($schedule->date_from)) !!} - {!! date("F jS, Y",strtotime($schedule->date_to)) !!}
    ({!! ucfirst($schedule->frequency) !!} at {!! $schedule->time.' to '.date('H:i:s', strtotime("+".$schedule->duration." minutes", strtotime($schedule->time))) !!}) @if($showmeet == false && $mstart > $mnow) @endif @elseif($schedule->frequency == 'weekly') @php $mnow = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $mstart = strtotime($schedule->date_from.' '.$schedule->time); $mend = strtotime("+".$schedule->duration." minutes", strtotime($schedule->date_to.' '.$schedule->time)); if($mstart <= $mnow && $mnow <= $mend){ $showmeet = true; } @endphp {!! date("F jS, Y",strtotime($schedule->date_from)) !!} - {!! date("F jS, Y",strtotime($schedule->date_to)) !!}
    ({!! ucfirst($schedule->frequency) !!} on {!! str_replace(",",", ",$schedule->days) !!} at {!! $schedule->time.' to '.date('H:i:s', strtotime("+".$schedule->duration." minutes", strtotime($schedule->time))) !!}) @if($showmeet == false && $mstart > $mnow) @endif @endif

  • {!! Lang::get("core.join_meeting") !!}
@if(isset($recordings) && !empty($recordings))
@foreach($recordings as $key => $recording)
Recorded Online Class {!! $key+1 !!} {!! Lang::get('core.view') !!}
@if(count($curriculum)>0) @php $no = 1; $lno = 1; $qno = 1; @endphp @for($i=0;$isection_id); @endphp
    • {!! Lang::get('core.section') !!} {!! $no !!} - {!! $curriculum[$i]->title !!}
    • @for($j=0;$jlecture_quiz_id; $encryptid = \SiteHelpers::encryptID($combine); @endphp
    • @php $lecstatus = 'none'; @endphp @if(!empty($courseprogress)) @foreach($courseprogress as $cp) @if($cp->lecture_id == $lectures[$j]->lecture_quiz_id && $cp->status == 1) @php $lecstatus = 'completed'; @endphp @elseif($cp->lecture_id == $lectures[$j]->lecture_quiz_id && $cp->status == 0) @php $lecstatus = 'incomplete'; @endphp @endif @endforeach @endif
      @if($lectures[$j]->type==0) {!! Lang::get('core.Lecture') !!} {!! $lno !!}: @else {!! Lang::get('core.Quiz') !!} {!! $qno !!}: @endif {{$lectures[$j]->title}}
      @if($lectures[$j]->media_type=='0') @if(isset($lectures[$j]->duration))
      {!! $lectures[$j]->duration !!}
      @endif @elseif($lectures[$j]->media_type=='1' ) @php $durations = \SiteHelpers::getlecturesfiles($lectures[$j]->lecture_quiz_id); @endphp
      {!! $durations['0']->duration !!}
      @elseif($lectures[$j]->media_type=='2') @php $durations = \SiteHelpers::getlecturesfiles($lectures[$j]->lecture_quiz_id); @endphp
      {!! $durations['0']->duration !!} Pages
      @php $quizcount = \SiteHelpers::getquizcount($lectures[$j]->lecture_quiz_id); @endphp {!! $quizcount !!} @if($quizcount > 1) Questions @else Question @endif
    • @if($lectures[$j]->type==0) @php $lno++; @endphp @else @php $qno++; @endphp @endif @endfor
@php $no++; @endphp @endfor @endif
{!! Lang::get('core.or') !!}
@if(count($announcement)>0) @for($j=0;$j
@if($announcement[$j]->user_id==\Session::get('uid')) @endif
{{$announcement[$j]->first_name}} {{$announcement[$j]->last_name or ''}} {!! Lang::get('core.post_announcement')!!} ·
{!! $announcement[$j]->announcement !!}
@endfor @else

{!! Lang::get('core.no_announcement') !!}


{!! Lang::get('core.announcement_text')!!}

@if(isset($recordings) && !empty($recordings)) @endif